Dessa Bluu

Glass mosaic art has become a part of my everyday reality, as they embody culture and people, as well as symbolic designs and motifs. Scoring and cutting through sheets of stained glass to form visual compositions and observing how the light environment contributes to bringing the artworks to life, rocks my inner world! As a mosaic artist, I love using glass. It's raw and yet refined and I'm able to illustrate narratives, which has been a contributor to why I create. It is my hope that I can continue to share more glass mosaic art as long as the carousel upstairs keeps going around and around.

The glass mosaic portraits come under the umbrella of a larger collection, titled TAGATA AULELEI, which means 'Beautiful People' in Samoan. Each of the subjects overcame difficult adversities throughout their lives. However, their inner beauty and motivational drive, along with their unique and diverse characteristics, influenced and inspired so many people. Their contribution to Aotearoa's history, whether it was political or creative, is invaluable and most memorable.


Claire Bell


Bev Boel